Swapping participants Breakout Rooms while they are open. This now means that while your Breakout Rooms are open in Microsoft Teams you will be able to move them around instead of closing the rooms and starting again. Ensure you...
Month: June 2021
Within a Microsoft Teams session, as an organiser you can disable the use of microphones and cameras to ensure your presentation goes uninterrupted. In order to do this the participants of the session must have attendee status. For a...
When writing messages and posts in teams you can add tags, these are simply words or phrases with a # in front. By adding the tag to messages you can easily search for any message relating to that specific...
Did you know you can create awards to be manually issued e.g. Student of the week / term?
1 min read
You can give your students awards manually and give them a written description as to why. This is great if creating awards like student of the week or term as it encourages students to increase their participation. The video...