Managing classroom behaviour effectively is essential for creating a positive and productive learning environment. Here are some strategies that tutors can employ:

Five Effective Classroom Management Strategies:
- Express clearly what your expectations are for your students: Set clear and consistent rules and expectations from day one. Make sure students understand what behaviour is acceptable and what is not.
- Communicate with Students: Open communication with your students. Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings and address any concerns they may have.
- Collaborate on classroom goals with your students.
- Get a student’s full attention before giving instructions. Make sure everyone is looking at you.Be very clear in all your instructions and expectations.
- Build relationships with your students: Take the time to build positive relationships with your students. When students feel valued and respected, they are more likely to exhibit positive behaviour.
- Provide Individual Support: Identify students who may need additional support and provide them with the necessary resources and assistance.
Hopefully, this gives you an idea on how to manage classroom behaviour.
Please note: All information is accurate at the time of posting but the Brightspace / Teams layout may have updated.
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