When you are faced with a list of submissions in the Brightspace assignments tool, it can be tricky to see which pieces of work have already been marked and which are ready to publish. Brightspace has a few tricks that can help you out by filtering the list of submissions, based on a variety of criteria.
Filter by Group

By default, you will see the assignment submissions listed by User, but if you change this to Group and click Apply you can select a specific group to only see the students in that group.
This works with groups that you have created yourself as well as ones that are created for you, such as for timetabled sessions and Occurrence Codes.
Filter by marking status

If you click Show Search Options, you have a few additional possibilities.
The Submissions menu lets you filter out students who have not submitted, which can be useful for resubmission assignments that you would not expect the whole cohort to complete.
The Feedback menu lets you filter based on whether work has been marked or not, which can be helpful to keep on top of which pieces of work still need to be marked.
In addition, you can use the date filters to only see work submitted within a specific time period.
Of course, you can use the Search For box to look for work by a specific student as well.