Home > Articles by: Lucy Thacker

Lucy Thacker

Within the module overview widget there is a link to the course access data, this will give you a graphical representation of the days in which people access your Brightspace module. You can filtering the data to specific date...
Intelligent agents can be used to send automated emails to students with general comments and additional resources based on an assignment score range, for example you could send different resources to students who got 40-49% compared to those that...
All uploaded resources in Brightspace have an ALLY score, this represents how accessible the resource is. You should always aim for green and with ALLY you can learn how to fix inaccessible resources. Below is a short video demonstration...
Priority access means you can give specific colleagues priority so when your Teams status is Do not Disturb you will still receive notifications when they @mention or message you. The video below gives a quick demonstration on how to...